A Simple Request

Now, this is it.. The perfect message….

Scribbles From The Crypt

You beckoned and I came running, so willing I was to do whatever was necessary to keep you happy.
At first I gave you my attention.
Following you around like a lost puppy, hanging on your every word and listening to the sound of your voice as you spoke softly and beautifully, I was glad to give you the importance I felt you so rightly deserved.
Then, I gave you my thoughts.
Day and night my mind would have its dalliances with the thought of you, your smile, your laugh, all of you.
After this I gave you my heart even though it was of no use to you. Then I gave you my time, I gave you my tears, I gave you my words. Slowly but surely, I gave it all to you.
So now, I stand here with nothing left to give and a simple request.
You can keep…

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Life becomes miserable

at one point of time

In spite of all the happiness outside

it’s sheer loneliness inside.


You feel

“you are at your lowest point,

you can’t go beneath that,

so all there’s left

is just to rise

rise & rise & walk up and high

until you reach your set goal.”

It is a hope

which you have got instilled in your heart.

You are confident throughout

that in spite of all the odds out here

you will come up as a strong person.

You even start stepping forward to that way

but the result is only to your dismay

You instantly realise then,

all this time you had been showing

off of you, which is not at all you

All this time, you felt empty inside

but had created a group of friends around you.


You try to work for

what you want to achieve

but a sudden random incident from the past

throws water over all your hard attempts.

You feel again and realise

how broken you are

unable to devote yourself

to anyone completely.


There comes a time

when you can’t even cry at bad times.

But there also comes a time

when you try to find excuse to cry

just coz all this time

you had been accumulating your tears

and they had to come out some day.

So, they come unexpectedly sometimes

with no reason, when it is not a bad time!

I am grateful to you

Date: 20th Feb’2016

This life is so strange. This world is so weird. Sometimes, the people whom you least expect from, give the best happiness in an awful time. A call from a long lost friend made my day so good, but at the same time made me so sad. Now, I can’t help but keep on thinking of the golden memories of the past which seem far today, which are so precious to me. The past of any person always seems so beautiful. And in teen life, it seems like a mirage, amidst the search for an oasis in our deserted lives. My aunt had once said, ” Don’t be so emotional, it will make things difficult for you.” Guess she is right. Why can’t I be practical? Even the small events trigger my memory and I, sit with a heavy heart, longing for those days to come back.


Sometimes, you don’t realise anything unless someone points it out to you. That friend said me, “Yaar, those days in Francis were the best days.” Then I realised, how good days I have spent and am still spending here. No bunking of classes, no revolutionary rule-breaking, but still that enjoyment; life was so good then.


But today, I fear to go back to my memories to live them again. I fear, I will get lost in them again. But that doesn’t mean I’ve stoppped being nostalgic completely. At times, they do haunt me. People from the past come to my dreams out of nowhere, so often. There are many people whom I will not tag as my Best Friends, nor will they, but still they all have played such an important role in my life, that I can never forget them in my wildest dreams.


I thank you all my friends (my classmates and all other schoolmates) from the past and the present as well, for sharing such beautiful moments of life with me!


It’s not important that those people remain your friends for life, but every single moment that you enjoyed with someone- known or unknown, important to you or not, that each moment is a bliss and that is what we call the true gift of life.


This is why humans are social animals. This is why humans and all other living beings have emotions. No matter how practical we become in life, our emotions are the driving force of our behaviour. These emotions are our topmost priority. And these emotions are all what really matter to us!